Melanie Kelly


1974 - 2024

Mel was an integral part of the Enviro-dynamics team and touched all she worked with. Her infectious passion for conservation of Tasmanian landscapes and the species inhabiting them was a source of inspiration to everyone who had the privilege of working with her.

We respect and thank Mel for her indefatigable contributions to not only Enviro-dynamics, but also toward natural resource management in Australia as a whole. She worked in this field for over 20 years, with a particular interest in conservation dogs. Through her career, she championed a suite of conservation programs and efforts, notably including the Orford Bird Sanctuary.

The Melanie Jane Kelly Memorial Fund has been established in her memory, with the hope to help trail-blazing women who are struggling to find funding to implement practical conservation projects. This fund can be found on the Landscape Recovery Foundations website and embodies Mel's passions in her life and work.

Vale Mel, you are missed.


Anne Gigney


Fonzie Kelly aka ‘The Fonz’