Land Management Projects


Pasture Information Network Project

  • Client: The Derwent Catchment Project (RLP NRM South)

  • Enviro-dynamics’ role: To develop and deliver an extension program for dryland grazing including demonstration sites, cost benefit case studies, dryland pasture course and supporting peer-to-peer learning.

  • Challenges: Large scale of demonstration sites and the challenges of working with north-facing slopes. Extension in the time of COVID-19 and how to make a meaningful online resource for farmers.

  • Solutions: Work in close partnership with farmers to build a community of practice to share ideas and solve problems together.



Lachlan River Project

  • Client: The Derwent Catchment Project (Australian Government & Derwent Valley Council)

  • Enviro-dynamics’ role: planning, coordination and implementation of a larger-scale restoration project.

  • Challenges: Large amounts of flood debris, risk associated with soil disturbance on a dynamic system and the scale of works.

  • Solutions: Working in partnership with local land holders and community to remove willows and revegetate with native plants.



Glamorgan-Spring Bay NRM & Climate Resilience Strategy

  • Client: The Landscape Recovery Foundation

  • Enviro-dynamics’ role: Develop a strategy that identifies natural and agricultural assets, threats to assets and community priori.

  • Challenges: Limited budget and out-of-date data.

  • Solutions: strong focus on local knowledge and community engagement.



Single Hill Reserve Activity Plan

  • Client: Clarence City Council

  • Enviro-dynamics’ role: Undertake natural values assessment & community consultation and develop a plan with prioritised actions to manage the recreational and natural values of the new public reserve.

  • Challenges: Vegetation condition, erosion, weeds, wildlife impacts and trail development.

  • Solutions: Rehabilitating degraded bushland, plantings, weed control, trail network planning.



Biodiversity & Natural Capital

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Miena Cider Gum Conservation Project

  • Client: The Derwent Catchment Project

  • Enviro-dynamics’ role: Develop conservation action plan, population monitoring and browsing protection program.

  • Challenges: Lack of coordinated conservation efforts, harsh and rocky landscape for implementing browsing protection.

  • Solutions: Trialing floppy top fences and cages and polycarbonate tree bands, fire management plans for key landholders, ensure genetically diverse seed collection is stored with the Tasmanian Seed Conservation Centre.


Morrisby’s Gum Recovery Project 

  • Client: NRM South and the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program

  • Enviro-dynamics’ role: Co-ordinating an integrated recovery program involving protection of remnant stands, planting in the known range to improve connectivity between remnants, conservation plantings in the future climate range and seed conservation.

  • Challenges: A dramatic decline in numbers of adult plants from wildlife browsing and drought.

  • Solutions: Coordinating a working group of key stakeholders to raise funding to ensure long-term effort is coordinated and knowledge is shared.

  • For more information about this project click here



Eucalyptus rubida Project

  • Client: Kingborough Council

  • Enviro-dynamics’ role: Determine the distribution and conservation status of the E. rubida across Kingborough. Collect material for a broader phylogenetic study by UTAS and seed collected for seed banking at the Tasmanian Seed Conservation Centre.

  • Challenges: Limited record on species within municipality, large areas of potential habitat.

  • Solutions: Consultations with broad range of naturalists, on-ground survey effort.


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Camden Dam Offset Project

  • Client: SFM

  • Enviro-dynamics’ role: Assess opportunities on Tas Irrigation land for offsets and model opportunities for neighbouring land opportunities.

  • Challenges: Many small areas of vegetation communities impacted and offset limited opportunities as a consequence.

  • Solutions: Exploring options for financial offsets and exploring a range of scenarios for conservation benefit.


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Vegetation Condition Assessments

  • Client: Hobart City Council

  • Enviro-dynamics’ role: Undertake VCAs in various reserves around Hobart prior to fuel reduction burns.

  • Challenges: Map and characterise vegetation condition to determine numbers of VCA assessments.



Environmental Assessments

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North West Bay River Trail Feasibility Plan

  • Client: Kingborough Council

  • Enviro-dynamics’ role: In conjunction with renown trail builders Mtn Trails, Enviro-dynamics undertook natural values surveys and community consultation to develop a feasibility plan for a multi-user trail.

  • Challenges: Difficult terrain, river crossings, landowner concerns.

  • Solutions: Avoid steep areas, minimise river crossing, redirect route away from dwellings, consultation with concerned landowners.

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Cattle Hill Wind Farm, Waddamana

  • Client: Hazell Bros. Pty Ltd

  • Enviro-dynamics’ role: Threatened flora surveys for road widening activities, blasting impacts assessment on wombat burrows, weed control and re-vegetation along road corridors.

  • Challenges: Assessing blast impacts on burrows.

  • Solutions: Using drain camera to record condition of burrow before, during and after test blasting.



Tasman Weed Management Plan

  • Client: Tasman Council

  • Enviro-dynamics’ role: Develop a weed management plan for the municipality including mapping, priority setting, control measures and scheduling.

  • Challenges: Extensive area to be mapped.

  • Solutions: Roadside mapping, prioritising control actions and location to protect high conservation values.


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Statewide Eagle Strike Risk Model

  • Client: TasNetworks

  • Enviro-dynamics’ role: To develop an eagle strike risk model based on expert opinion that identified high risk locations.

  • Challenges: Size of data set, incomplete dataset.

  • Solutions: Prioritisation of mitigation strategies across network to reduce eagle deaths associated with power line collisions.



Bushfire Risk Management



Whitestone Point Subdivision, Austins Ferry

  • Client: Austins Ferry Pty Ltd

  • Enviro-dynamics’ role: Undertake bushfire risk assessment to proposed subdivision and develop bushfire hazard management plan for site.

  • Challenges: Protection of adjacent high value remnant vegetation.


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Poatina Bushfire Recovery

  • Client: The Derwent Catchment Project

  • Enviro-dynamics’ role: To coordinate investment from Hydro Tasmania, Parks and Wildlife Service, TasNetworks and DSG to implement coordinated weed control action.

  • Challenges: Large population of ragwort, remote, rocky terrain.

  • Solutions: Mapped infestations using helicopter. Prioritising on-ground control to protect high-value assets.


 Recent Major Projects